Initial Tokan Distribution

The economic structure of Tokan has been created in such a way as to encourage beneficial behaviour whilst synchronizing the interests of all participants in the ecosystem, adding collective value within the protocol. A range of groups and early contributors will be granted initial veTKN stakes to stimulate their involvement in the Tokan ecosystem.

30% Protocol Airdrops - Locked

30% of the initial supply will be earmarked for Protocol Airdrops. This allocation will be locked as veTKN and granted to protocols that demonstrate a willingness to participate in the Scroll ecosystem.

The amount given to any protocol is variable and will be subject to many factors, including, but not limited to: TVL, community size and the relative scale of the protocol. Another major factor would be the project's alignment with the success of Tokan, as it is critical for protocols to be engaging in activity beneficial to the long-term success of Tokan.

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